Tithes, Building Offering, Rumpus Youth, Guest Ministry etc...

Bank: Bendigo Bank

Account Name: Gateway Church Ltd

BSB Number: 633 000

Account Number: 146511746

Reference: e.g. Tithe, Rumpus, etc.

Community Engagement

Bank: Bendigo Bank

Account Name: Gateway Foundation Ltd

BSB Number: 633 000

Account Number: 147814495

Reference: (your name for tax deductibility)

Cash & Envelope Drop Off

If you prefer to give cash rather than transferring funds online we have a giving dropbox available in our foyer. 

Please see the Info stand for more information.

We believe generosity is such an important part of life, and that it will make your world bigger, not smaller.
Watch below our series on finances to find out more.

STEWARDSHIP - Tithe  |  SEED - Generosity  |  SAVE - Future  |  SPEND - Now

God, Money & Me Series