About Us
We are Jesus-centred people, committed to loving Him and making Him known through a culture of kindness, honour, and praise. Showing authentic kindness to every individual and family, giving honour to each person, as well as, expressing genuine praise to our God and to those around us.
We carry a high value and joy in getting together to celebrate the deeply meaningful, connected life on offer by God. We get to enjoy each other’s company in smaller groups (homes, coffee shops, mountain tops, etc) and then ‘all together’ in our larger gatherings, every Sunday. Creating the best possible environment for God's Presence and his people to connect, so everyone can live an enriched and fulfilling life.
We are a House of Heart - a Place to Belong.
We are a House of Hope - a Place to Believe.
We are a House of Health - a Place to Become.
A Genuine and Authentic reflection of Jesus.
We know God has equipped us all uniquely and our heart's intent is to be sensitive to who and where you are in your life journey, believing that a life journey with Jesus is the best you will find.
We are a church family of all ages and at all stages of life and faith.
We’d love to see you in person or join us online!
Brief History
Statement of Belief